Group bookings

We can be provide a better experience for your group if we know you are coming. To book in advance please contact us on 01368 865 899 or email

Please note that we generally have school visits every morning from Easter to late June and regularly between September and November.

Schools programme

If you are considering bringing your class to John Muir’s Birthplace please get in touch – we would love to hear from you so that we can provide you with the best resources to create a visit that will work for you! Perhaps you are doing a John Muir Award? We are a registered John Muir Award provider and can help you plan a visit to John Muir’s Birthplace to complement your learning.

A typical school visit to John Muir’s Birthplace includes a discussion on what the class already know about John Muir, followed by what they would like to find out, and the different learning approaches that can be used. A simple record sheet is provided so that pupils are encouraged to explore and discover for themselves. All information gathered is summarised on a timeline that is taken back to school for follow-up work. This was primarily designed for P5 and can easily be adapted for P1-S4. Visits are free to East Lothian schools.

For P5 classes, a visit to John Muir’s Birthplace can form part of the wider John Muir Project, coordinated by East Lothian Council Arts Service and involving dance, drama and the East Lothian Council Ranger Service elements as part of a John Muir Award. Please get in touch for more details.

Call:     01368 865899
