Happy 184th Birthday John Muir!
John Muir was born in Dunbar on April 21st 1838. We celebrate his birthday every year, using the day as an opportunity to share our love of wild places and to promote their protection.
For more information on John Muir Day, take a look at this page from the John Muir Trust.
One of the ways John Muir spread his message about this importance of preserving wild places was in his writing. We’re lucky that he published lots of volumes of work during his life, along with leaving behind more writings that were published posthumously. Some of these are available to read in The Nature Library, our current temporary exhibition. Over Easter we’ve had lots of people coming in to share their own love of nature by making their own mini-books for the library. We thought today would be the perfect day to showcase a few of these! There’s still plenty of time to pop by and make your own addition to leave or take home with you.