Happy Birthday John! (and John Muir Way)
It is a very special weekend here at John Muir’s Birthplace, in addition to it being Easter, when we get to consume our bodyweight in chocolate, it is also John Muir’s 181st Birthday AND the 5th Anniversary of the opening of the John Muir Way. Triple excuses for cake!
On Sunday 21 April, John Muir’s Birthplace Charitable Trust will sign a concordat with the John Muir Way Partnership agreeing to promote the John Muir Way as:
“An outstanding coast to coast route across the diverse landscapes and rich heritage of central Scotland; easily accessible and attractive to local people, businesses and visitors, and providing opportunities for all to increase understanding of John Muir’s legacy and philosophy through getting close to nature”
Immediately following this, Friends of John Muir’s Birthplace will celebrate the opening of their new exhibition John Muir, Writer. (More cake – can you see the theme?)
Following this we would recommend walking part of the John Muir Way (well you have had all that cake), and if you make it all 134 miles remember to claim your certificate from us or Helensburgh Leisure Centre!
To find out more about walking the John Muir Way, check out the website or to find out about wider events across the John Muir Birthday celebrations check out http://www.discoverjohnmuir.com. Alternatively you could try out some of the John Muir Trust’s suggested 10 Ways of Celebrating John Muir Day!
Whatever you plan to do this weekend – make sure to treat yourself to some cake! Happy John Muir Day!